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River Ouse at Viking Recorder

A flood event for this station is defined as a period of time where the water level exceeds 1.900m. A flood event is not deemed over until the station remains below this level for 24 hours.

Flood Event: 16:30 30 Dec 2006-14:30 02 Jan 2007

This flood event began on 16:30 30 Dec 2006, lasted 70 hours, and returned below the threshold on 14:30 02 Jan 2007.
The maximum measured height reached by this station during this flood event was 3.039m, achieved at 18:30 31 Dec 2006

Daily charts during this event


Full event profile

We have collated approximately 2 billion records from across the UK agencies building up our flood event history. A lot of these are in raw format that we have had to compile and process. With so many values to iterate through, it is certain some are wrong. As such we do not check the underlying data. We do report inconsistencies back to the various agencies when we find them and ask them to fix them.
Values for historical flooding may have been manually input by the relevant governing body (e.g. Environment Agency). Some extreme values may also be above the maximum measurement capability of the station and could also have been edited, by the governing body, to match readings taken manually at the time.
But, if you have spotted something in our archives where you think we have made an error and the the underlying data are correct, please let us know and we can look at getting this fixed.
FloodMapper is an independent site and is not associated with any government bodies (e.g. Environment Agency).
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